Like many others I have certain preconceived thoughts and fixations in my head. For example, I dont like curd rice with grapes or pomogranates, and again i dont like fruit chaat or jam with tomato in it..
For me it is all about not mixing my fruits and vegetables. I am also one of those who will not serve a spoon of halwa or some sweet on the plate when am eating a meal. I like to keep them seperate. I know of many who love to mix these and eat. For ex, my cousin loves curd rice with payasam.. My sis loves her vada+avial+chakkara pongal [she eats them piled on]..
Do you have any such quirks?
11 years ago
Swarna V Barath
Let me see - i always want a 'karam' after any sweet and then something to drink! :D its an order I have to follow else I wud not touch the sweet. I like mixing molagai podi and sugar for idli :) Sundal potato chips and tomato ketchup is ultimate comby too! Do have a few like that, these were the top of mind stuff!
11 years ago
Soumya Ranjan Patel
I love to have tea or sweet after my lunch, dinner, tiffin. U know it just completes d food. As Aarti said..I too like to have each disces separately to get flovour of each one. Love u Chicken & Mutton.
11 years ago
Giacomo Lombardi
Dear Sir,
Greetings from Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry!
As you are aware we are the trade promotion body and we facilitate and promote trade between Italy and India. We come under the umbrella of the Italian Embassy.
As part of our promotional activity, currently we are working on a project called Ospitalita Italiana supported by Unioncamere, Italy. Which is about Italian cuisines which has always been an important tool for the promotion of Italy and has effectively promoted not only Italian products but also the Italian economy and culture the world over. Italian cuisine is appreciated by Indians and local restaurants serving it are often preferred destinations for a fine dining experience. Thus restaurants have a significant role to play in this promotional exercise and thus it is required that those serving authentic Italian cuisine are recognized.
As part of this activity we are conducting an online survey to understand the food habits of Indians and as well as their familiarity towards Italian food. We kindly request you to take up this survey and provide your valuable feedback.
Below is the link to undergo the survey:
Thanks In advance
Giacomo Lombardi
To eat or not to.
Posted By : Aarti Krishnakumar
Posted On : 2013-10-27
11 years ago
Swarna V Barath
Let me see - i always want a 'karam' after any sweet and then something to drink! :D its an order I have to follow else I wud not touch the sweet. I like mixing molagai podi and sugar for idli :) Sundal potato chips and tomato ketchup is ultimate comby too! Do have a few like that, these were the top of mind stuff!
11 years ago
Soumya Ranjan Patel
I love to have tea or sweet after my lunch, dinner, tiffin. U know it just completes d food. As Aarti said..I too like to have each disces separately to get flovour of each one. Love u Chicken & Mutton.
11 years ago
Giacomo Lombardi
Dear Sir, Greetings from Indo Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry! As you are aware we are the trade promotion body and we facilitate and promote trade between Italy and India. We come under the umbrella of the Italian Embassy. As part of our promotional activity, currently we are working on a project called Ospitalita Italiana supported by Unioncamere, Italy. Which is about Italian cuisines which has always been an important tool for the promotion of Italy and has effectively promoted not only Italian products but also the Italian economy and culture the world over. Italian cuisine is appreciated by Indians and local restaurants serving it are often preferred destinations for a fine dining experience. Thus restaurants have a significant role to play in this promotional exercise and thus it is required that those serving authentic Italian cuisine are recognized. As part of this activity we are conducting an online survey to understand the food habits of Indians and as well as their familiarity towards Italian food. We kindly request you to take up this survey and provide your valuable feedback. Below is the link to undergo the survey: Thanks In advance Giacomo Lombardi
11 years ago